Netskope debuta como Líder en el Cuadrante Mágico™ de Gartner® para Single-Vendor Secure Access Service Edge Obtenga el informe

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Un Líder en SSE.
Y ahora Líder en SASE Single-Vendor.

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Lea cómo los clientes innovadores navegan con éxito por el cambiante panorama actual de las redes y la seguridad a través de la Plataforma Netskope One.

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Presentamos la Netskope One Plataforma

Netskope One es una Plataforma nativa en la nube que ofrece servicios convergentes de seguridad y redes para hacer posible su transformación SASE y de confianza cero.

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Adopte una arquitectura de borde de servicio de acceso seguro (SASE)

Netskope NewEdge es la nube privada de seguridad más grande y de mayor rendimiento del mundo y ofrece a los clientes una cobertura de servicio, un rendimiento y una resiliencia incomparables.

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Netskope Cloud Exchange

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    Netskope One SASE proporciona una solución SASE nativa en la nube, totalmente convergente y de un único proveedor.

La plataforma del futuro es Netskope

Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Cloud Firewall, Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (SWG) y Private Access for ZTNA integrados de forma nativa en una única solución para ayudar a todas las empresas en su camino hacia el Servicio de acceso seguro Arquitectura perimetral (SASE).

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Next Gen SASE Branch es híbrida: conectada, segura y automatizada

Netskope Next Gen SASE Branch converge Context-Aware SASE Fabric, Zero-Trust Hybrid Security y SkopeAI-Powered Cloud Orchestrator en una oferta de nube unificada, marcando el comienzo de una experiencia de sucursal completamente modernizada para la empresa sin fronteras.

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SASE Week 2024

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Infórmese sobre la futura convergencia de las herramientas de red y seguridad en el modelo de negocio actual de la nube.

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Apoyar la sostenibilidad a través de la seguridad de los datos

Netskope se enorgullece de participar en Vision 2045: una iniciativa destinada a crear conciencia sobre el papel de la industria privada en la sostenibilidad.

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Asegure su viaje de transformación digital y aproveche al máximo sus aplicaciones en la nube, web y privadas con la capacitación de Netskope.

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Netskope Threat Research Labs Technical Analysis: CloudSquirrel Malware

Jul 27 2016
Cloud Best Practices
Cloud Malware
Cloud Security
Netskope Threat Research Labs
Tools and Tips
Vulnerability Advisory

Visual depiction of the life cycle of the Cloud Squirrel Attack

Last week we posted an article, giving an overview about the CloudSquirrel malware campaign that takes advantage of multiple cloud apps throughout the kill chain with the intent to steal and exfiltrate user data. We will talk about technical details in this blog.

Listed below are the activities seen in the CloudSquirrel malware campaign:

  • Uses a variety of cloud services to download its main payload.
  • Uses DropBox for its C&C (command and control) server.
  • Infects users by downloading malicious payloads ( 32 bit and 64 bit executables) that collects information about the victim’s machines including the victim’s email account credentials configured in native email clients.
  • Primarily affecting Brazilian users based on the facts – file names e.g. “NF-eletronica”, “visualizar boleto” and also the parameter names used in the data exfiltration.

CloudSquirrel malware typically arrives on the user’s machine as an attachment or a link via email. These attachments, and links will generally involve a ‘..’ extension, such as “”. The delivery mechanism of CloudSquirrel we saw was being distributed using ServInt’s Jelastic Platform-As-A-Service(PaaS). Jelastic redirects to the CloudApp cloud platform which in turn uses Amazon AWS for its backend cloud services as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: CloudSquirrel delivery mechanism

The downloaded sample “” (md5 – F23E27F452C523D95D06371922531C48) is a zip archive that contained a JAR file “NF-eletronica-8457348947..Docx.jar” (md5 – A32F45F7B24FBE474816710BBDB046A6). If the user has not allowed viewing of file extensions in their operating system folder options, the sample would be displayed as “NF-eletronica-8457348947..Docx” without the .jar extension. This tricks the user and makes them believe it is a document file.

Analysis of the JAR file

We decompiled the JAR file and the main class file “vvbdhu.class” contained a list of hard-coded URLs in its code, as shown in Figure 2 below:


Figure 2: URLs present in vvbhdu.class

Three of these URLs referred to Dropbox, while another referred to an IP address. These mp4 files were in fact in plain text format and each of them contained list of URLs, as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.


Figure 3: URLs in xxxconfg.mp4


Figure 4: URLs in xxxconf1.mp4 , xxxconf2.mp4 and xxxconf4.mp4

At the time of this blog’s publishing, the IP 45.63.23[.]187 was down, and not serving any payload. Since the IP is down, the malware makes an attempt to download the files from the URLs listed with IP 45.32.186[.]249 sequentially. As soon as it downloads a file successfully, it moves to the next stage of execution. Listed below in Figure 5 is the screenshot of malicious server hosting the files.


Figure 5: Files present inside directory /clientes/dados at the website 45.32.186[.]249

The files stark1.pdf, stark2.pdf, stark3.pdf and stark4.pdf have the extension .pdf but are not real PDF files. They are executable files encrypted with the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm which we decrypted using the code present in the vvbhdu.class file shown in Figure 6.


Figure 6: Encrypt and decrypt routines using DES algorithm referred in vvbhdu.class

The vvbhdu.class file also referred to a key “squirrel123” in its code which is used to decrypt the files as shown in Figure 7.


Figure 7: Static key “squirrel123” used for encryption and decryption referred in vvbhdu.class

We made an attempt to manually decrypt the files using the key “squirrel123” as shown in Figure 7, but were unsuccessful. Since a DES key is typically 8 bytes long, we tried with “squirrel” and successfully decrypted the files. In Java, though the DES key is more than 8 bytes long, it considers only the first 8 bytes due to which the execution of the JAR file worked perfectly without giving an exception.

Using the key “squirrel”, the encrypted files were decrypted to the following executables with predefined names OutFileHome.exe, OutFileBreak.exe, Ifgtray.exe and OIgfNswv.exe as shown in Figure 8. These files are saved under “%APPDATA%” in random folder name.


Figure 8: Predefined executable names present in the class file

Analysis of the 4 dropped executable files

The following Table 1 provides additional details around the 4 decrypted files.

File nameMD5ApplicationPacker
IgfTray.exe6276CB1C74D736BC493D5474C04C478132-bit ExecutableVMProtect
OIgfNswv.exeF7DF2D29EDF85E7A05C90474FD4B9BE732-bit ExecutableVMProtect
OutFileBreak.exeD1C35FF526FC5B5866B889D9957CA36164-bit ExecutableVMProtect
OutFileHome.exe60336413E419C2EA5E215F1A32061E4064-bit Executable

Table 1: Details of the dropped files from the execution of NF-eletronica-8457348947..Docx.jar


We did not observe any activity performed by OutfileHome.exe as shown in Figure 9. The sample is likely a benign file that has the icon and properties of Windows notepad Application.


Figure 9: Message displayed on execution of OutFileHome.exe


Upon execution of Ifgtray.exe, it dropped two additional utility executables, VIEW.exe and VIEWS.exe related to Nirsoft, a website that provides freeware utilities,  in the %temp% directory with details as shown in Table 2, below.

File nameMD5Application
VIEW.exe5F6E36DC418B9EF021D7AD958549722C32-bit Executable
VIEWS.exe5E59D5F0EEB20FA9F598D56284FADA9832-bit Executable

Table 2: Details of the dropped files from the execution of Igftray.exe

VIEW.exe is a OutlookAddressBookView utility that displays the details of all recipients stored in the address books of Microsoft Outlook.

VIEWS.exe is an e-mail password recovery utility that reveals the passwords and other account details stored for various accounts that are configured on the local email clients/applications on the victim’s machine. Figure 10 shows the properties of the two utility executables. Figure 11 and 12 show the screenshots when the two utility executables are executed.

Figure 10: Nirsoft Email Password-Recovery and OutlookAddressBookView utility properties


Figure 11: VIEW.exe.Outlook Address Book View window displayed on execution


Figure 12: VIEWS.exe.Email Password-Recovery window displayed on execution

The data collected by the utility executables VIEW.exe and VIEWS.exe are uploaded to the C&C server at 146.185[.]136.31 as shown in Figure 13.


Figure 13: Data sent to the C&C server at IP 146.185[.]136.31

Figure 13 shows