We recently released our global Cloud Report as well as our Europe, Middle East and Africa version, highlighting cloud activity from January through March of 2016. Each quarter we report on aggregated, anonymized findings such as top used apps, top activities, top policy violations, and other cloud security findings from across our customers using the Netskope Active Platform, including by industry. Netskope is the only Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) that reports at this level of granularity on cloud app activities, data violations, and policy infractions across sanctioned and unsanctioned apps worldwide.
This report took up where we left off last quarter on our cloud malware research, in which we found that 4.1 percent of enterprises’ sanctioned apps are laced with malware. This quarter that number has risen to 11.0 percent, or nearly triple since last quarter. This is before counting unsanctioned apps, which we are researching and will incorporate into future reports. When we do, we exp