Netskope est nommé un leader du Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ 2024 pour le Security Service Edge. Recevoir le rapport

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    Changer la façon dont le réseau et la sécurité fonctionnent ensemble.

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    Netskope sert plus de 3 000 clients dans le monde entier, dont plus de 25 entreprises du classement Fortune 100

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La Capacité d'Exécution la plus élevée, une fois de plus.
La Vision la plus complète, une fois de plus.

Découvrez pourquoi le Magic Quadrant™ 2024 de Gartner® a désigné Netskope comme leader pour la sécurité en périphérie des services pour la troisième année consécutive.

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Netskope Named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Security Service Edge graphic for menu
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Woman smiling with glasses looking out window
La stratégie de commercialisation de Netskope privilégie ses partenaires, ce qui leur permet de maximiser leur croissance et leur rentabilité, tout en transformant la sécurité des entreprises.

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Group of diverse young professionals smiling
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Présentation de la plate-forme Netskope One

Netskope One est une plate-forme cloud native qui offre des services de sécurité et de mise en réseau convergents pour faciliter votre transformation SASE et Zero Trust.

En savoir plus sur Netskope One
Abstrait avec éclairage bleu
Adopter une architecture SASE (Secure Access Service Edge)

Netskope NewEdge est le nuage privé de sécurité le plus grand et le plus performant au monde. Il offre aux clients une couverture de service, des performances et une résilience inégalées.

Découvrez NewEdge
Netskope Cloud Exchange

Le Netskope Cloud Exchange (CE) fournit aux clients des outils d'intégration puissants pour optimiser les investissements dans l'ensemble de leur infrastructure de sécurité.

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Vidéo Netskope
La plateforme du futur est Netskope

Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Cloud Firewall, Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (SWG), et Private Access for ZTNA intégrés nativement dans une solution unique pour aider chaque entreprise dans son cheminement vers l'architecture Secure Access Service Edge (SASE).

Présentation des produits
Vidéo Netskope
Next Gen SASE Branch est hybride - connectée, sécurisée et automatisée

Netskope Next Gen SASE Branch fait converger Context-Aware SASE Fabric, Zero-Trust Hybrid Security et SkopeAI-Powered Cloud Orchestrator dans une offre cloud unifiée, ouvrant la voie à une expérience de succursale entièrement modernisée pour l'entreprise sans frontières.

En savoir plus Next Gen SASE Branch
Personnes au bureau de l'espace ouvert
La conception d'une architecture SASE pour les nuls

Obtenez votre exemplaire gratuit du seul guide consacré à la conception d'une architecture SASE dont vous aurez jamais besoin.

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Optez pour les meilleurs services de sécurité cloud du marché, avec un temps de latence minimum et une fiabilité élevée.

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Lighted highway through mountainside switchbacks
Permettez en toute sécurité l'utilisation d'applications d'IA générative grâce au contrôle d'accès aux applications, à l'accompagnement des utilisateurs en temps réel et à une protection des données de premier ordre.

Découvrez comment nous sécurisons l'utilisation de l'IA générative
Autorisez ChatGPT et l’IA générative en toute sécurité
Solutions Zero Trust pour les déploiements du SSE et du SASE

En savoir plus sur la confiance zéro
Boat driving through open sea
Netskope obtient l'autorisation FedRAMP High Authorization

Choisissez Netskope GovCloud pour accélérer la transformation de votre agence.

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Netskope GovCloud
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Podcast Security Visionaries

How to Use a Magic Quadrant and Other Industry Research
Dans cet épisode, Max Havey, Steve Riley et Mona Faulkner dissèquent le processus complexe de création d’un Magic Quadrant et pourquoi c’est bien plus qu’un simple graphique.

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Comment utiliser un Magic Quadrant et d’autres podcasts de recherche sur l’industrie
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Découvrez comment Netskope peut faciliter la transition vers le Zero Trust et le SASE grâce aux fonctionnalités de sécurité en périphérie des services (SSE).

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SASE Week 2023 : Votre voyage SASE commence maintenant !

Retrouvez les sessions de la quatrième édition annuelle de SASE Week.

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SASE Week 2023
Qu'est-ce que le Security Service Edge ?

Découvrez le côté sécurité de SASE, l'avenir du réseau et de la protection dans le cloud.

En savoir plus sur Security Service Edge
Four-way roundabout
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    Avec Netskope, devenez un expert de la sécurité du cloud.

Soutenir le développement durable par la sécurité des données

Netskope est fière de participer à Vision 2045 : une initiative visant à sensibiliser au rôle de l'industrie privée dans le développement durable.

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Soutenir le développement durable grâce à la sécurité des données
Penseurs, concepteurs, rêveurs, innovateurs. Ensemble, nous fournissons le nec plus ultra des solutions de sécurité cloud afin d'aider nos clients à protéger leurs données et leurs collaborateurs.

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L’équipe de services professionnels talentueuse et expérimentée de Netskope propose une approche prescriptive pour une mise en œuvre réussie.

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Services professionnels Netskope
Sécurisez votre parcours de transformation numérique et tirez le meilleur parti de vos applications cloud, Web et privées grâce à la formation Netskope.

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Group of young professionals working

The EU’s new AI Act—What We Can Learn From the GDPR

Jul 26 2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming ubiquitous in supporting key business decisions, and for many organisations it is critical for their digital transformation and new business models. With organisations quickly driving forward to identify new ways to extract competitive value from their data, the regulators are preparing to step in. Eager to avoid running too far behind the curve, or to allow a “Wild West” to develop, EU lawmakers are already working to regulate and impose guidelines on the use of AI. While the new AI Act is not going to come into force for a few years, staying ahead of incoming legislation will give IT and security teams a huge advantage over the competition, ensuring that active AI programmes are not curtailed or slowed down to implement last minute compliance and ethics requirements.

So, what is the EU AI Act all about?

In essence, regulators have recognised the potential impact AI could have on society—and EU citizens’ rights specifically—and are planning legislation to prevent the misuse of AI and protect individuals. The Act contains powers for oversight bodies to require the withdrawal of an AI system or require an AI model to be retrained if it’s deemed to be a high risk. Think of it as following the exact same pattern the EU took with the GDPR.  Of course, the GDPR focus is on personal data, and its responsible use and handling. This new proposed legislation will add another layer over the GDPR and ensure that AI systems used in the EU market comply with requirements and existing legislation on fundamental rights.

Is it essentially a GDPR upgrade?

This Act and its requirements will sit alongside the GDPR, so organisations will need to comply with both, and can potentially fall foul of non-compliance repercussions of both. The Act is likely to have the same extraterritorial reach.

GDPR can impose fines of up to 4% of company revenue—surely this isn’t going to be as severe?

Current drafts of the AI Act are considering up to 6% of global revenue fines for non-compliance, so if the up to 4% of revenue fines from the GDPR caught your board’s attention you can be sure the AI Act will appear on their radar too!

So what will the Act require?

Currently, it is expected that the new legislation will ensure risk management systems and processes are established, implemented, documented, and maintained. Organisations will need to determine if their AI systems fall into the “high risk” category and potentially will need to undergo a regular assessment. With the GDPR, expectations included identification of known and foreseeable risks, evaluation of risks of reasonably foreseeable misuse, and adoption of suitable controls and countermeasures. The Act is also expected to require organisations to communicate with data subjects to tell them when and how AI was used to make decisions. Details are not yet available on whether this communication will need to happen proactively or only on request.

This legislation naturally sits adjacent to existing GDPR legislation and both could be applied, if for instance, bad data protection hygiene leads to negligence in AI that feeds from the dataset in question.

What does negligence look like in AI?

This is one of the big questions that the EU lawmakers are currently considering. It is likely it could range from bad data protection hygiene to knowingly allowing discriminatory decisions to be made using data sets with known bias.

So if I am good for the GDPR  am I halfway there?

Yes and no.  

Yes: the lessons we all learned from the GDPR—including data hygiene, standards, and processes—will be hugely helpful in complying with the AI Act.  

No: the central premise around the GDPR is that an organisation holds data that needs protecting… but with AI you are regulating the methodology of decision making based on that data and that involves much more than the raw constituent data itself. The decision making algorithms of course, but think about this too…. data exfiltration is no longer the only concern. You may find your AI system is using a data set that nefarious actors may want to infiltrate with “rogue” data. While data integrity compromise may seem an unlikely threat, if those data manipulations guide an AI to make a different decision (increasing the risk score for individuals purchasing life insurance for instance), it could genuinely be a key action-on-objective a threat actor may use to damage the organisation.

OK, so I need to do more than copy/paste my GDPR policies.  What can I do now to start to prepare?

  • Ensure the right people in the organisation have positions of responsibility over AI and future AI legislation compliance. Form an AI ethics board.
  • Ensure you document your AI use and policies, and give due thought within the documentation to issues and how you will handle any issues arising. This documentation is a crucial component in ensuring responsible use of AI, but—perhaps as importantly—it is also critical to an organisation’s defence over claims of gross negligence (just as in the GDPR you are expected to be able to prove that when things go wrong it is despite due diligence and appropriate processes).
  • Start to educate and have conversations about AI with employees across the business so it does not become a behind-the-scenes or last minute activity. Transparency garners trust. It is easy to assume that business leaders, especially those focused on data science and intelligence will feel threatened, but in many situations, a good ethics stance should be supported from top to bottom in the organisation 
  • Negligence is the key determinator so you should be able to demonstrate you understand the use and potential impact of your AI programme and have assessed the ethical considerations.

Although the implementation of a new EU regulation on AI could be a few years away, there is no doubt that it is coming and businesses that take action now will be better prepared and face less disruption when the Act arrives.

author image
Neil Thacker
Neil Thacker is a veteran information security professional and a data protection and privacy expert well-versed in the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).

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