For most companies, security and IT systems are growing in complexity, breadth of scope, and coverage, which consumes budget and staff time. The rapid breakdown of the traditional perimeter in this “new normal” world increases the challenges IT teams and remote users face on a daily basis.
In light of new, cloud-driven requirements to support remote users and applications, IT teams are undergoing a transformation to build out their new security strategy while maintaining many of their existing investments. The difficulties grow exponentially when it comes to leveraging old and new portions of the security stack to respond in a timely manner to the wide array of new attack vectors. Threat actors target different parts of the enterprise, looking for security gaps between protections in the cloud and the endpoint. Much like the response to any type of crisis, hoarding information in silos is counterproductive to resolution. For our customers, we aim to break the silos down in order to share information about a threat actor’s activities and to build effective defenses and prevention capabilities.
Challenges with Silos
Each security stack component has its own world view of the threat landscape. For example, an endp