I am often asked what has changed and what will need to change most about cybersecurity in the next few years, especially as we come out the other side of a global pandemic that upended all kinds of plans. But let’s start by level-setting: the grand strategy for security—protect data—hasn’t changed. It’s the tactics that have changed, and more importantly, must continue to change.
Security and information technology leaders (ranging from the CISO to the CIO to heads of infrastructure and networking) that want a seat at the business decision makers’ table have to figure out ways to create business value with their investments and programs. This isn’t easy, but it is completely necessary.
Digital Business Needs Security
To achieve business performance and growth, companies must find ways to meet consumer expectations and seize market opportunities. Businesses must create new products and services or evolve current products and services that consumers want to buy, that are fit-for-purpose, and that reach more consumers, in more locations, more quickly than ever before.
In the current business environment:
- Speed is a currency—you have to do what you need to do more quickly
- Scale is a necessity—you must serve more end-users in a way that works for them
- There’s a war for talent, and employers are (or must become) more flexible about work arrangements—work from anywhere is here to stay
- Supply chains are essential