10 years ago I moved to the UK and made it my home, and I love living here. I like Marmite, debates over whether the evening meal is dinner, tea, or supper, the constant requirement to remark upon the weather… and the many bizarre traditions. One of these bizarre traditions is Bonfire Night, celebrated on 5th November each year to commemorate the Gunpowder Plot when a bunch of conspirators (including a man called Guy Fawkes) tried to blow up Parliament and King James. There’s a little rhyme and everything…
“Remember, remember the fifth of November; gunpowder, treason and plot, I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot”
So why am I telling you this in a technology blog? Well, as I was standing around the blazing bonfire at the weekend, watching the “Guy” go up in flames (a “Guy” is an effigy of the most famous conspirator, and they burn these mannequins on the bonfires. I did tell you it was bizarre), I was told that Guy Fawkes was not actually the leader of the troop. He was essentially brought in as a technical expert (with explosives being his weapon of choice). And so as I chewed on my toffee apple I pondered the similarities in the roles played within attack teams, both in 1605 London, and in cybersecurity.
First up we have the attack lead. This isn’t necessarily the person who is most adept at attack methodology, rat