Why test internet latency? Application latency has a large impact on user experience for web sites and applications. Testing latency provides insight into its origin. With the right tools you can determine if latency is caused by the internet or your network, your device or browser or the server or site you are connecting to. This article explains how to check internet latency, how to test latency and improve the user experience of your employees and website visitors.
We will explain how five common network latency test tools work so you can choose the right one to test the latency of your internet connection and application. Online latency test sites are not usually precise enough to reveal the cause, so let’s take a look at how to test latency like a pro!
Top 5 Network Latency Test Tools
The most common internet latency test tools are:
- Ping
- Traceroute
- iPerf
Each has their strengths and weaknesses when testing latency. Some network latency tests work well for internet latency, others are best suited to testing local or private network latency.